Purple Sensation

7th May 2020

Purple Sensation - May 2020

It was another week where I had limited mobility, so hunting down springtime wildlife wasn't possible. So I spent another photo shoot searching for subjects around my garden patio, and thankfully there were a few within easy clicking distance.

The obvious selection for my Image of the Week was this very beautiful Allium (Allium hollandicum) 'Purple Sensation', which had only just fully opened and was showing off its splendour.

Jasminum Beesianum - May 2020

Another, less conspicuous bloom, was that from the Red Jasmine (Jasminum beesianum), which was doing a great job of covering a neighbour's fence, and flopping over into my garden.

Bacopa Snowtopia - May 2020

The wonderful Bacopa (Sutera cordata) 'Snowtopia' blooms were supposed to be half-hardy annuals, but had been flowering throughout the winter.

Welsh Poppy - May 2020

The Welsh Poppies (Papaver cambricum) were doing a great impression of weeds, popping up anywhere and everywhere. If only all weeds were so pretty.

Allium Chrostophii - May 2020

It wouldn't be long before Allium (Allium christophii) 'Star of Persia' would be gracing my patio area, and I thought it looked spectacular even while it was still under wraps!

Felicia - May 2020

The beautiful Blue Marguerite Daisies (Felicia amelloides) had recovered from last week's cold spell, and were looking wonderful again.

Amaryllis Bud - May 2020

Meanwhile, indoors, something strange was happening! My Amarrylis (Hippeastrum) 'Minerva' plant was producing a flower bud. This usually happened around Christmas time, so I was quite surprised to see it at this time of year.

So this week I went with Purple Sensation as my Image of the Week simply because it was the most beautiful flower on view on the patio...